Install Vmware Horizon

Creation date: 8/3/2023 11:37 AM    Updated: 1/15/2025 2:32 PM    horizon remote desktop vmware

Click 'Install VMware Horizon Client'

You will be redirected to a vmware download page:

Next to Omnissa Horizon Clients, click on "View Download Components".
On the next page, click "Go To Downloads" next to the client for your operating system:

and then on the next page click on "Download Now" button, for a Mac in this example:

Go to your downloads folder and double-click on the downloaded file to install. Once you have installed the client, launch it and click "Add Server"

When the client prompts you for the name of the server, type in '' and click Connect.

The client will now prompt you to input your CU Denver Credentials, enter them and make sure to select 'UNIVERSITY' from the 'AD' drop down menu.

Click Login and your connection should be complete, from this page you can launch the 'complimentary' vm which will give you access to all of your on-campus resources.
